Landscape Architecture

Resilient, adaptive designs.

Big Muddy works with a variety of clients and has a diverse landscape architecture portfolio. While our clients are primarily public agencies and non-profit organizations, we also provide professional services to select private sector clients.

We have an expertise in designing green infrastructure that uses natural processes to solve urban environmental issues. Green infrastructure is used to reduce storm runoff, replenish soil moisture, support lush plantings, provide shade, reduce glare, filter air, and restore biodiversity in urban settings. By applying our natural resources expertise, we create designs that are more resilient and adaptive to climate change.

We are nationally recognized for our expertise in nature center design, as well as the design of natural areas and camps with an educational focus. Our designs encourage visitors of all ages and abilities to get personally engaged with the wonders of nature. Our goal is to build a love for nature in every visitor.

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Featured Landscape Architecture Projects

Aurora Cooperative Headquarters Site Improvements

Girls Inc.